I rented the Fujifilm X100V and loved it! But is it enough to upgrade from my current Fujifilm X100F? That is the question I’ll be addressing here in ...
A New York City Skyline Captured with the FujiFilm X100F
Everyone has 'goal shots' or specific pictures they've been wanting to capture. One of my goal shots was to capture the New York City skyline from the ...
6 Reasons I Love My Fujifilm X100F
**Revised: 07/03/2021** Everyone has that one camera they simply love. Mine is the Fujifilm X100F. I might even have a little obsession with it. It's ...
Richmond Snow 2018 In Black and White
After a failed attempt to capture "Richmond's biggest snowstorm so early in the season" on Libby Hill yesterday, I went out this morning with higher ...
New York City In Black and White Photos
I recently made a trip to New York City to have some fun with my FujiFilm X100F. A newly purchased camera that I've previously rented. It's a ...